Estimote Beacons with UWB and automapping are now shipping
At Estimote, we’re building an operating system for the physical world, so that conference rooms, event venues, retail spaces, airports, and all kinds of physical spaces can be made more interactive...
View ArticleEstimote Indoor Location positioning achieves 30 cm precision thanks to ARKit
At Estimote, we’ve built our first beacon before iBeacon was announced. And then, as soon as Apple showed iBeacon to the world, we were the first to integrate with it, leveraging the superior iBeacon...
View ArticleThe most reliable Proximity tech, now with a brand-new Proximity SDK
Designing magical experiences for your customers in the smartphone area is inseparably tied with creating a mobile application that is aware of a user’s context. You could use a museum application (e.g...
View ArticleThe Memphis Music Scene. Booming with the blues, innovated with Estimote.
Memphis, Tennessee. Home to some killer barbeque, Elvis Presley and the Graceland estate, and the Memphis Grizzlies. Most notably though, it’s the birthplace of rock and roll! And Memphis isn’t shy...
View ArticleEstimote introducing Low Power Asset Tracking API
At Estimote, we keep adding building blocks for truly intelligent locations. Our vision of the future involves workplaces and offices that make lives easier, thanks to a sophisticated mixture of...
View ArticleBest practices for submitting your beacon‑enabled iOS 11 apps to App Store
This is it! After weeks of work, you’re ready to submit your beacon-enabled app to the App Store. We’ve compiled a short checklist to clear before you do so, ensuring a smooth approval.Location...
View ArticleTry our improved Proximity experience in 5 minutes with the new demo
A couple weeks ago, we enhanced the proximity technology through enabling Estimote Monitoring by default. It allows for more reliable proximity areas detection, lets you get started with no...
View ArticleReal time Analytics API - why wait for insight?
At Estimote, we firmly believe in making data-informed decisions. We want to enable our customers to do the same. That is why we initially introduced the Estimote Analytics API— a set of tools for...
View ArticleNASA’s Johnson Space Center transcends space and time with custom built bike...
NASA’s Johnson Space Center campus is always bustling with people. With about 3,000 employees, 12,000 contractors, and a steady stream of interns and students making their way around the facilities at...
View ArticleThe most reliable Proximity SDK is now available for Raspberry Pi using...
Recently, we announced our Proximity SDK, which offers both a reliable beacon-based proximity experience and an easy to use API. Proximity SDK can be used for both iOS and Android devices, however for...
View ArticleEstimote Cloud Attachments API: store context in the cloud, less in your app!
In 2016, we introduced the Beacon Storage API allowing developers the opportunity to store small amounts of data within the built-in memory of each Estimote Location Beacon. This feature lets you share...
View ArticleBuild your first proximity app in 5 minutes
We’ve recently launched our Proximity SDK enabling the world’s most reliable beacon notifications and proximity zone monitoring. Getting to know a new SDK and learning its API can be time-consuming. It...
View ArticleHow we hacked our conference rooms to get more feedback [Case Study]
Beacons are often used in workplaces to make working more efficient or enjoyable. It’s no different here at Estimote - we love tackling various issues with our own tech.We spend plenty of time in...
View ArticlePresence verification and security is more refined than ever with Estimote...
In the early days of beacons, the software was written on top native scanning solutions built into iOS and Android. One of the first questions developers would ask about them were: is this secure? How...
View ArticleEstimote Indoor Location SDK available on Android
When iBeacon was launched, it had a robust API with just three predefined proximity zones: immediate, near, and far. It’s a very pragmatic design, dictated by the physics of the 2.4 GHz radio waves.In...
View ArticleGet started with low-power routed BLE mesh using beacons
Last week Bluetooth SIG — the organization helping push forward the most popular wireless connectivity technology — announced Bluetooth Mesh, a completely new wireless communication standard built on...
View ArticleEstimote Private Cloud for enterprise-grade deployments
In 2014 we launched Estimote Cloud. Initially, it was a web dashboard where developers could visually manage the beacons they owned. Then, we introduced Fleet Management API which allowed developers to...
View ArticleEstimote Monitoring 2.0 with even better accuracy and custom,...
Here at Estimote, we take two approaches to physical-world context:(Indoor) Location andProximityIndoor location utilizes signals from multiple beacons and provides accurate coordinates. Proximity is...
View ArticleParked car detection made easy — magnetometer support in Estimote Beacons
We think of Estimote Beacons as the building blocks of physical location intelligence. We put a lot of stock in sensors that collect relevant ambient information for their surroundings. These sensors...
View ArticleEstimote launching precise indoor positioning for robots & AGVs using UWB...
In the beginning, our hardware and software were capable of just broadcasting and understanding iBeacon packets. But from the very start we’ve had a much broader vision and wanted to create an...
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